The ROCKWOOL Group was founded in 1909 and insulation production started in 1937. The Group’s head office is located close to Copenhagen. In 2015, the Group generated net sales of EUR 2,208 million.
Recognising Asia’s huge potential and growth opportunities, ROCKWOOL acquired a production facility in Malaysia in 1999. Hence in January 2000, ROXUL Asia Sdn Bhd, the Group’s first stone wool factory in Asia was established.
With the possibility to further strengthen its position in Asia, in December 2010, ROCKWOOL Group acquired the Asian insulation businesses of CSR Limited. Through the merger of its wholly owned company ROXUL Asia, with the CSR Asian businesses, the new entity of ROCKWOOL Asia is now the largest stone wool manufacturer in Asia.
The ROCKWOOL® and ROXUL® brands are well recognized and established in Europe and worldwide as providing the highest quality stone wool products. Stone wool insulation from ROCKWOOL Asia uses the ROCKWOOL® brand and offers consistent and lasting performance in fire, thermal and acoustics.